Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense And Peppermints810Nirvana - Incesticide2030The Jesus Lizard - Inch680Y&T - Incorrect Species190Marcy Playground - Indaba Remixes From Wonderland430Seducer - Indecent Exposure3420Supertramp - Indelibly Stamped590Sacred Reich - Independent240Butthole Surfers - Independent Worm Saloon190House of Lords - Indestructible610Xandria - India4680Pixies - Indie Cindy850FM - Indiscreet1250Dixie Dregs - Industry Standard2640Quintessence - Indweller1560Magma - Inedits2790Dying Fetus - Infatuation With Malevolence180Silent Force - Infatuator310HammerFall - Infected1100Destruction - Infernal Overkill510Entombed - Inferno1660Papa Roach - Infest220Ratt - Infestation1680Voïvod - Infini5350