Elton John - Susie (Dramas)1360Elton John - I Think I'm Going To Kill Myself1910Elton John - Mellow1370Elton John - Honky Cat1360Elton John - Crocodile Rock1430Elton John - Texan Love Song1330Elton John - I'm Going To Be A Teenage Idol1320Elton John - Have Mercy On The Criminal1420Elton John - Blues For Baby And Me1330Elton John - Elderberry Wine1470Elton John - Teacher I Need You1400Elton John - Daniel1280Elton John - All The Nasties1620Elton John - Rotten Peaches1700Elton John - Holiday Inn1580Elton John - Indian Sunset1660Elton John - Madman Across The Water1590Elton John - Razor Face1480Elton John - Levon1660Elton John - Tiny Dancer1630Elton John - Seasons Reprise610Elton John - Four Moods560Elton John - I Meant To Do My Work Today (A Day In The Country)490Elton John - Michelle's Song460